Importance of Sucrose
Benefits of Sucrose
Sucrose is actually a carbohydrate. The body needs carbohydrates for energy, therefore, sucrose, like all sugar types, is actually good for your health. The danger lies in consuming too much.
Breaking Down the Carbs
A simple carbohydrate, sucrose is considered one of the sweetest types of sugar. Fructose, glucose and lactose are also simple carbs. Complex carbohydrates, like starches, are less sweet and better for the body.
Overdoing It
In the United States, consumption of sugar by the average American has skyrocketed to dangerous levels. Having too much sugar can cause problems like immunity suppression and a decrease in attention span and learning ability. It is easier to overdose on simple sugars like sucrose, found in most soda, candy and packaged goods.
Take Caution with Sucrose
Evidently, not all sugars are created equal. Satisfy your sweet tooth with fruits and vegetables. They naturally contain sucrose. The body processes sucrose better when it isn't refined.
Avoid Junk Sugar
Because sucrose is a simple sugar, the body can break it down quickly. Sucrose is the type of sugar found in most junk foods, and when eaten in large amounts, glucose is easily broken down into the bloodstream. This can create sugar highs and lows in the body, causing side effects such as moodiness.