Whey Vs. Soy Shakes
Cow milk is the most common source for whey in the United States. It is the liquid byproduct of making cheese and yogurt.
Soybeans contain plant proteins and all of the required amino acids for proper nutrition, as well as polyunsaturated fats, essential fatty acids and linolenic acid.
Adding protein to your diet will increase your energy and build muscle mass for athletic competition or bodybuilding. Protein can be used as a meal replacement when dieting.
Soy and whey are among the top 10 listed food allergies. Many people are allergic to either milk products or soy products; however, an allergy to both sources of protein is rare.
In 1997, the National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) of the Food and Drug Administration showed that soy can have a negative effect on the thyroid. It has been linked to hypothyroidism and goiters.
Commercially prepared whey or soy shakes may contain additional ingredients. Flavorings, sweeteners and carbohydrates may increase the caloric value of the shakes.