Easy Method to Raise Body PH
The PH System
The pH system is a rating system that sets a value for liquid at either acidic or alkaline. The pH rating scale falls between zero and 14, with seven being neutral. PH values of less than seven are acidic, and values of greater than 7.1 are alkaline. Seven is completely neutral. For example, battery acid and vinegar would be very acidic, with pH values closer to zero. Baking soda and ammonia are, however, very alkaline, landing near 14. Water is completely neutral and has a pH value of seven.
According to Biomedx.com, the pH level of our body impacts every biochemical process that it has. The blood in your body should be neutral to slightly alkaline, landing right around 7.3 on the pH scale in order to stay free of disease and illness.
According to Dr. Otto Warbug, the director of the Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology in Berlin-Dahlem, Germany, in his paper "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer," cancer is caused by the replacement of oxygen in cells by a fermentation of sugar. Put simply, when the pH level of our bodies is more acidic, the cells are in an environment where bacteria can thrive and our cells receive less oxygen. This deoxygenation of our cells can lead to cancer.
Poor Diet Equals Acidic Environment
Typically, the body has the natural ability to eliminate acids. However, the extra acidity of a poor diet creates a backlog of acids that can be difficult for the body to flush out, therefore, a good diet is the best way to raise the body’s pH level to a more alkaline one.
A low pH level within the body creates an atmosphere in which viruses and bacteria can flourish, causing a person to get sick frequently, lack energy and even feel unexplained pain. Therefore, healing of illnesses can take place only when the blood is at a normal to slightly alkaline pH.
Raise PH Levels
Raising the body’s pH level begins by testing your saliva or urine with a strip of litmus paper in order to establish your pH level. The results should be between 6.5 and 7.5. Since the pH levels in both saliva and urine can vary with what you eat, this test should be done early in the morning before you eat, exercise or drink anything. If your pH test shows you have a high level of acid in your body, you need to raise your body’s pH level to a more alkaline level.
Changes to your diet will quickly raise the pH level in your body. Foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables, leafy greens, whole grains, nuts and seeds are high in alkaline and can help to quickly raise the alkaline level. Foods that are processed, refined sugar, white flour, soda and red meat are all acidic and should be eliminated or reduced drastically.