Foods That Are High in CoQ10
Oily Fish
The flesh of oily fish, such as sardines and mackerel, are high in coenzyme Q10. One pound of sardines or mackerel contains approximately 30 mg of CoQ10, according to Langsjoen.
Beef also provides coenzyme Q10. The meat with the most CoQ10 includes organ meats such as the heart, kidney and liver. Langsjoen suggests that 2 lb. of beef will provide 30 mg of CoQ10.
Lamb and pork are alternate meats that provide CoQ10. The organ meats in both sheep and pigs contain amounts of CoQ10 similar to that of beef. The coenzyme is most concentrated within the heart, liver and kidneys.
While eggs provide coenzyme Q10 in the diet, eating poultry does not provide additional CoQ10. Choose eggs that have been farmed in an unpolluted environment for the best source of CoQ10.
Vegetable Sources of CoQ10
Many vegetable sources contain coenzyme Q10. Vegetable sources of CoQ10 contain less of the coenzyme than the amount found in meat. For example, 2 1/2 lb. of peanuts would contain 30 mg of CoQ10 whereas 1 lb. of sardines would have the same amount, according to according to Langsjoen.
Whole grain wheat and wheat germ are products that have a high amount of CoQ10. Coenzyme Q10 is also found in green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli. Eating vegetable sources of CoQ10 fresh, raw and unprocessed preserves more of the coenzyme than if you cook the vegetable.
CoQ10 Supplements
You also can supplement CoQ10 beyond food in the form of capsules, tablets and oral spray. CoQ10 is a fat soluble molecule, so it should be taken with food to aid in absorption. The average dosage when supplementing with CoQ10 is 30 mg per day.