Foods With Insoluble Fiber
Wheat bran and oat bran have the most insoluble fiber. We often find bran in baked goods, like muffins, and in cereals. Bran muffins are delicious and average four grams of fiber in each. According to Harvard University Health Services “Fiber Content in Foods in Common Portions,” a half cup of wheat bran contains 11.3 grams of insoluble fiber.
Beans are good sources of insoluble fiber, mostly found in the skins. Cooked kidney beans are the best bean sources with four grams per half cup. Lima beans contain just over one gram of insoluble fiber and pinto beans provide less than a gram, although they are both rich in soluble fiber.
Breads and Cereals
Whole grain breads, rye wafers and popcorn all provide at least two grams of insoluble fiber per serving. In contrast, white rice and brown rice have no insoluble fiber, and white bread only contains one-half gram. Wheat bread without the bran or hull contains none.
Cocoa Powder
Natural cocoa powder provides a good source of insoluble fiber. Milk chocolate does not qualify. However, natural cocoa powder is often used in flavorings and baking.
This popular snack may have many health benefits if you leave off the salt and butter. It is a good source of insoluble fiber.
Nuts and Seeds
Peanuts, cashews, almonds and walnuts are all high in insoluble fiber. Nuts also contain many other important nutrients. Other good sources include pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.
Most vegetables, including potatoes, broccoli, corn and squash contain insoluble fiber. Peas and parsnips contain the most. A serving of peas provides three grams and a half cup cooked parsnips provides four grams. Many other vegetables provide a gram or more.
Blackberries contain the most insoluble fiber in fruits, at three grams per serving. Apples, pears, plums and strawberries all provide at least one gram. The skins provide the insoluble fiber in apples. According to the University of Illinois Extension, “Apples and More,” the flesh just under the skin contains most of the vitamin C in the fruit. Apricots, bananas, cherries and oranges have less than one gram per serving.