What Foods Help a Hiatal Hernia
Surgery is needed to cure a hiatal hernia. Limiting stomach acid-producing foods decreases pain caused by the hernia. Weight loss can prevent reoccurring hiatal hernias.
Foods to Eat
High-fiber foods, such as vegetables and whole grains, help suppress the secretion of stomach acid. Vegetables high in fiber include broccoli, celery and carrots. Breads high in fiber contain at least 2 grams per slice.
Low Calorie Intake
Losing weight can remove the underlying cause of a hiatal hernia. Weight loss can be done by decreasing calorie intake and increasing physical activity. Limiting high-fat foods and eating low-calorie nutrient-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables may aid in weight loss.
Foods to Avoid
Decaf and regular coffee, caffeine, chocolate and certain spices such as cayenne pepper increase acid production in the stomach. The increase of acid is exacerbated by the hernia and causes heartburn or pain in the chest.
Individual Intolerances
Some individuals have intolerance to certain foods that increase acid production. Common irritants are tomatoes, citrus fruits and high-fat foods such as butter. These foods may or may not increase acid production in the stomach.