Chipotle Pepper Benefits
Helps in Cardiovascular
This pepper helps to reduce cholesterol, triglyceride levels and platelet aggregation. Your body increases in its ability to dissolve fibrin, which forms blood clots. Chipotles help to lower your risk of having a heart attack or stroke. It also keeps the main arteries in your lungs clear from blood clots, or pulmonary embolisms. It lowers free radical damage, which may lead to development of atherosclerosis. Adding chipotle spices to your foods helps to improve your circulation and increases your metabolism, which helps you to lose weight.
By adding chipotle into your food, you are giving your body valuable vitamins of potassium, and vitamins A and C. These peppers are rich in the minerals iron, niacin, thiamin, magnesium and riboflavin. Two teaspoons provide 6 percent of your daily need for vitamin C and 10 percent of vitamin A. These two vitamins boost your immunity to defend against invading pathogens. Chipotles also contain antioxidants, which help to maintain insulin levels at a healthy state.
Helps to Stop Cancer
Because of the capsaicin levels, chipotle peppers help to stop prostate cancer cells from spreading. They may even help the prostate cancer tumor to decrease in size and growth.
Capsaicin is the ingredient that holds the heat value. The higher the capsaicin level is, the hotter the pepper. Capsaicin improves digestion by coating the stomach walls to protect it against acids that can eat through the stomach wall or ulcers. A topical form of capsaicin helps relieve osteoarthritis pain and pain caused by diabetic neuropathy. It inhibits substance P, which causes headaches and sinus symptoms.
Clears Congestion
Adding chipotles to your diet helps clear the mucus in your nose. This is especially beneficial when suffering from the effects of a cold. They help to stimulate a secretion that clears away mucus.
Lowers Risk of Diabetes
The chipotle helps to reduce the risk of hyperinsulinemia, or type 2 diabetes caused when the blood has high levels of insulin. Because the ingredients in chipotles affect the production of insulin, it helps increase the rate that the liver clears the insulin.