What Are the Benefits of Wheat Grass Juice?
Wheat Grass Nutrients
One ounce of wheat grass juice contains the same amount of vitamins and minerals contained in one ounce of fresh vegetables. Wheat grass juice contains vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B-12, calcium, selenium, magnesium, and iron.
Wheat grass contains a lot of chlorophyll, the chemical that makes plants green, which proponents say gives it natural detoxifying and antibiotic qualities.
Ulcerative colitis
A 2002 a small study of 21 patients conducted in Israel showed the ingestion of wheat grass juice eased symptoms of ulcerative colitis, inflammation of the colon.
A preliminary study of 60 breast cancer patients who drank 60 ml of wheat grass juice during chemotherapy has shown wheat grass can help alleviate some of the side effects of chemotherapy, such as low red blood cell production.
Side Effects
Wheat grass is not approved or regulated by the Food & Drug Administration for any type of medicinal use. Since it is usually consumed raw, there is a chance of bacterial contamination. Side effects ranging from nausea and headache to more serious allergic reactions have been reported with high levels of wheat grass ingestion.
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