The Caffeine in Coffee vs. Pop
The caffeine content in coffee can differ every day, even if it is from the same place because factors such as grinding, roasting and brewing affect the caffeine content. Use the caffeine content as a guide for daily consumption. Soda pop, on the other hand, has the same caffeine content because of its uniform manufacturing processes.
Coffee comes in caffeinated and decaffeinated options. But decaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine. Coffee is naturally caffeinated so to make decaf, the caffeine is removed either through the Swiss water method, which removes about 95 percent of the caffeine, or the chemical solvent method, which removes 97 percent of the caffeine in coffee beans. Caffeine-free soda really contains no caffeine.
Caffeine In Coffee
An 8 oz. cup of instant coffee contains 27 mg to 173 mg of caffeine, but a cup of decaf has only 2 mg to 12 mg of caffeine. For stronger coffee, an 8 oz. brewed cup contains 95 mg to 200 mg of caffeine. For those who enjoy coffee from coffee shops, an 8 oz. regular coffee at Starbucks contains 160 mg of caffeine, and Dunkin' Donuts' regular coffee has 103 mg.
Caffeine In Soda Pop
Some soda pop, such as 7Up, Sprite, Fanta (all flavors) and Mug root beer, contain no caffeine. A can of Coca-Cola Classic, Coke Zero, cherry Coke and diet Coke all contain 35 mg of caffeine, but diet Coke or Coke with lime has 45 mg. A can of Pepsi has 38 mg of caffeine. Soda pops that contain more caffeine include Dr Pepper (41 mg), Mello Yello (53 mg), Mountain Dew (54 mg) and Vault (71 mg).
If you are choosing between coffee and soda pop for a drink with no caffeine, you have several options in soda pop. On average, soda pop contains less caffeine than coffee, but coffee also provides antioxidant benefits that soda pop does not. Whichever you choose, it is best to drink in moderation.