Raw Foods High in Potassium
Consuming a cup of raisins will provide the body with 1,089 mg of potassium. Adding raisins to the diet is easy by sprinkling them over cereal, yogurt and salad.
Consumed with skins, a potato is an excellent source of potassium. This food provides the body with 1,081 mg of this important nutrient. Potatoes can be diced raw and added to salads.
At 909 mg of potassium per cup of tomatoes, this is an easy way to add the nutrient to any diet. (Fresh tomatoes can be diced and added to salad, or eaten like an apple. Canned tomatoes can be added to pasta, without being cooked.
Spinach is high in potassium as well, and is best eaten raw. Add the leafy green to salads and sandwiches, or make roll-ups with them by rolling sandwich meat and cheese up in the leaves. These leaves are great for nibbling alone as well.
Winter Squash
Add potassium to a diet by eating a cup of winter squash. Doing so will provide the body with 896 mg of potassium. Combine the raw squash with a raw potato for a higher potassium meal. Add these raw to a salad, or top them with yogurt for an interesting treat.
A tasty way to add potassium to a diet is by consuming melons. Cantaloupe has 494 mg of potassium, and honey dew packs in 461 mg per cup. Combined, these two melons make a great salad. They can be added to smoothies easily, or topped with yogurt.
According to the NHLBI, plain yogurt has 579 mg per each 8 ounce serving. Yogurt is great served alone, or as a topping for fruit, berry or melon salads. It can also be added to smoothies, and used as a dip for vegetables, adding even more potassium to the diet.
The Palo Alto Medical Foundation states that there are beverages, made from raw foods, that are also good sources of potassium. You can make smoothies using many of the raw foods mention in this article. Skim milk is a great source of potassium, packing in 410 mg. Fresh squeezed apple, grape and orange juices are other sources of potassium.