Foods Containing High- Fructose Corn Syrup
Many sodas, bottled teas, juices and sports drinks on the market in the United States contain high-fructose corn syrup. Almost all commercial sodas sold in the U.S. contain the corn syrup, but smaller companies, such as Jones Soda, often do not.
Many salad dressings also contain high-fructose corn syrup. Fast-food restaurants also use prepackaged dressings made with corn syrup rather than making their own. You can find HFCS in barbeque sauce and steak sauce as well as blue cheese, ranch, French, Thousand Island and Italian dressings. Ketchup is another condiment that usually contains corn syrup as well.
Many commercial breakfast cereals in the United States contain high-fructose corn syrup, even ones high in fiber. Rice Krispies, Frosted Flakes, Mini-Wheats, All-Bran, Apple Jacks, Special K and Cocoa Krispies, among others, are all sweetened with corn syrup.
Not surprisingly, many candies and candy bars use HFCS, especially hard candies. Lifesavers, Power Bars and Whatchamacallits are just some of the commercial candy bars that have high fructose. In general, higher-quality chocolate bars either have less or no HFCS.
A food that you may not realize may contain HFCS is commercial bread. Muffins, Wonderbread and even Pepperidge Farms’ line of whole wheat breads and Sara Lee Heart Healthy bread contain high-fructose corn syrup.
Flavored yogurts may contain HFCS. Plain yogurt and yogurt-like products, such as kefir, usually do not include it, but flavored and fruit yogurts such as the varieties from Dannon, Breyer’s and Yoplait often contain HFCS.
Commercial cookies are also common sources of high-fructose corn syrup. Almost any kind of processed cookie you can think of contains HFCS like Rice Krispies Treats, Chips Ahoy, Nilla Wafers, Nutter Butters, Oreos, Teddy Grahams, Lorna Doones, Mallomars, Muffin Bars and even Fig Newtons.