Diet Plan to Follow While Taking the Acai Berry
Acai Benefits
Acai berry is best known for its antioxidant properties, which are considered higher than that of other high-antioxidant fruits like red grapes and blueberries. According to, acai berry is known for its ability to help slow the aging process. The antioxidants in acai berries are also known to have anti-cancer properties. Acai is rich in the antioxidant glutathione, which is a powerful healing agent. This substance plays a role in carcinogenic detoxification that consequently helps prevent cancer. cites a number of food chemistry studies that demonstrate the anti-cancer effects of acai in a laboratory setting.
Acai in an Anti-Cancer Diet
The best diet plan for prevention of cancer is chiefly plant-based and should include raw vegetables, whole grains and fruits, according to You can easily incorporate acai berry into an anti-cancer diet plan. For instance, it is ideal to add a few nuts, grapes and acai berries to your whole-grain breakfast cereal. For lunch, you can make yourself a big salad filled with peas, beans, greens and acai berries to add a sweet taste. Add tomatoes and lettuce to sandwiches.
Acai berries can also be consumed as between-meal snacks, along with apples, bananas and raw vegetables like celery, carrots and peppers. Dried fruit, nuts and seeds are delicious in combination with fresh acai berries. For dinner, you can have a couple of frozen or fresh cooked vegetables along with acai and pasta or rice, or try a baked potato with yogurt, broccoli, sauteed vegetables and salsa. Replace creamy sauces and dips with tomato sauces and olive oil. For dessert, there can be nothing better than fresh acai berries, especially if you eat them with a single square of dark chocolate .
Acai in an Anti-Aging Diet
According to Good Housekeeping magazine, several specific foods are chief ingredients of an anti-aging diet. Since acai berry is known to combat aging, you can incorporate it into your anti-aging diet. In fact, according to Good Housekeeping, all types of berries are ideal for slowing down the aging process. Spinach, lettuce, broccoli and acai berry make a good combination for a healthy salad. Consume chicken, turkey breast, lean beef, beans and seafood along with acai to give your body healthy protein sources. Since the calcium in cow's milk strengthens the bones and is an anti-aging agent, an acai berry shake is a good option