Foods Containing Rutin
According to Flora Health, researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture have been working with buckwheat in their studies of rutin for over 60 years. Buckwheat is an economical source of rutin, with high concentrations of the phytochemical in a cheaply available commodity. U.S.D.A. scientists have used buckwheat to observe rutin's effects on vessel health as well as in manufacturing processes to isolate it. Growers have discovered that selective breeding can result in varieties of buckwheat that are very high in rutin.
Citrus Fruits
Oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes are all good sources of rutin. The flesh of these fruits and the rinds both contain rutin. U.S.D.A. scientists found that rutin is usually present in foods that contain vitamin C. Coincidentally, rutin helps activate vitamin C within the body and also helps the body process the vitamin. Herbal reference sites such as Flora Health recommend eating citrus fruit rather than strained juices in order to maximize rutin intake, because juices lose much of the rutin during processing.
Mulberries and cranberries are excellent sources of rutin, as are blackberries, cherries and apricots. Herbal experts recommend eating the whole berries instead of juices in order to get as much rutin as possible, but they do allow that in some cases, such as cranberries, fresh or bottled juices are still good sources of rutin. Look for juices that are mostly cranberry juice or cranberry concentrate.