What Are the Benefits of Bean Sprouts?
Bean sprouts are high in protein, offering up more protein per ounce than leafy green vegetables such as spinach or kale. Soybean sprouts are actually 28 percent protein, which is more than meat (19 percent) and eggs (13 percent).
Essential Fatty Acids
Sprouts are rich in essential fatty acids, which are important to immune health.
Sprouts are high in fiber, which is beneficial for digestive health.
Low Glycemic Index
Sprouts are low on the glycemic index, which means that they will not cause dramatic fluctuations in blood sugar.
Easy and Fast
Bean sprouts can be grown quickly and easily from dried beans. This makes them an ideal food during times of crisis or food shortage. When selecting beans, be sure to buy beans that are specially prepared for sprouting. Using bulk dried seeds that are not intended for sprouting will result in only a few beans sprouting while the others ferment and ruin the entire batch.