Nutritional Facts of an Asian Pear
Due to their high water content, Asian pears are relatively low in calories. There are a mere 50 calories in an average-sized (2 1/2-inch diameter) Asian pear.
Like many fruits, Asian pears contain no fats, saturated fats or trans fats. They are also cholesterol-free.
Vitamins and Minerals
Asian pears contain many vitamins and minerals that are important to our overall health. They are an especially good source of vitamin C and vitamin K.
One Asian pear contains 4 grams of dietary fiber, which is 18 percent of the Recommended Daily Allowance. Fiber plays an important role in healthy diets by helping to maintain bowel regularity and prevent chronic disease.
The main nutritional disadvantage of Asian pears is that they contain a relatively high amount of sugar, about 9 grams per average-sized pear. Although this type of sugar occurs naturally in the fruit, overconsumption may contribute to obesity, tooth decay and other health problems.