Insoluble Fiber Diet
Insoluble Fiber Diet
Aim to consume around 20g to 25g of fiber per day for women, and 30g to 40g per day for men. Fiber intake should be split roughly equally between soluble and insoluble sources, so that means women should consume between 10g and 13g of insoluble fiber while men should consume 15g to 20g. Good sources of insoluble fiber include leafy green and other green vegetables like broccoli, green beans, cucumber, spinach and lettuce, along with fruits that have edible skin (apples, pears and plums), whole wheat items, nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts and pecans), seeds (sunflower and pumpkin) and bran. Ideally, strive to consume at least one item containing a substantial amount of insoluble fiber with each meal, as this will normalize your fiber intake without any undue record keeping on your part. Beyond a healthy dose of insoluble fiber with each meal, remember to round out your diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources (such as seafood, poultry, dairy and low-fat red meat) and unsaturated fat sources (such as nuts, seeds and cooking oils).
Insoluble Fiber Diet Menu
Start your day off right on an insoluble fiber diet with a serving of whole-grain cereal with berries, several pieces of whole grain toast and an apple. For lunch, consider a sandwich or sub containing lean meat (chicken or turkey) served on a whole-wheat roll or bread. Prepare your sandwich with plenty of lettuce and tomato to add some fiber to the meal, consuming a serving of mixed nuts on the side to further bolster the insoluble fiber content of your lunch. For dinner, prepare a serving of chicken Parmesan with whole-wheat pasta. Stir in a serving of mixed green vegetables like peas or green beans for added fiber, consuming a spinach-and-tomato or garden salad on the side for additional roughage. If you have further issues meeting your daily fiber demands, consider a fiber supplement to buttress your intake from natural foods.