Nutritional Treatment of the Liver
The liver has many important functions in the body. When damaged, the human liver can repair and replenish itself with the proper nutrients and conditions.-
Read Food Labels
Avoid foods that overwork and damage the liver, such as margarine, vegetable shortening, cheese, white flour, sugar, stimulants, animal products, heated oils (especially hydrogenated), alcohol, fried or fatty foods and all refined and processed foods.
Cleanse the Liver
A two or three day fast gives the liver time to rest. End the fast with freshly-extracted juices, such as carrot, apple, beet, grape or orange.
Aloe Vera Juice
Drinking one-quarter cup of aloe vera juice morning and evening helps cleanse and heal the liver. Read the product label to make sure the product doesn't contain mostly water.
Foods to Nourish the Liver
Some good foods for the liver include garlic, legumes (kidney beans, peas and soybeans), radishes, parsley, ginger, brewer's yeast and fresh salads with lemon juice dressing.
Expert Insight
According to James F. Balch, M.D., and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C., authors of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," B-vitamins, digestive enzymes, essential fatty acids, l-arginine and selenium are essential for a healthy liver.