Cheap, Homemade Colon Cleanse
Drinking Water
One of the cheapest ways to clean the colon is simply by drinking fluids. The Mayo Clinic, in its article “Constipation,” suggests a person drink a lot of water each day to relieve constipation. Constipation is a common disorder in which a person has fewer than three bowels movements a week or has hard, dry stools. Water also helps with the digestive process. Add more fluids to your diet to increase and regulate bowel movements. Drinking fluids each day also helps to dilute or neutralize any poisons or toxins in the body.
Eating Fiber
Another suggestion by the Mayo Clinic to combat constipation is a high-fiber diet. Fiber-rich foods help to clean the colon by encouraging more bowel movements. The fiber in food like fruits, whole grains and vegetables helps to make stools large and watery so they can travel more easily through the intestines. The Mayo Clinic suggests a daily intake of 20 to 35 grams of fiber. The amounts reflect a person’s weight and activity level. Another option to get the fiber you need is to take supplements.
Exercising Daily
Another inexpensive way to cleanse the colon is with exercise. Exercise stimulates the heart and lungs and gets the muscles moving. The Mayo Clinic says that exercise can increase intestinal activity. It is the muscle contractions in the intestines that move the food down the digestive tract. More activity in the intestinal muscles helps to promote more bowel movements. While aerobic exercises like running or biking provide the most muscle movements, yoga and tai chi are also beneficial to colon cleansing. Any type of exercise done at home will aid the body in cleaning out the colon.