Omega-3 Oil Vs. Omega-6 Oil
Foods With Omega-3 Oils
The best source of omega-3s is in fatty fish, such as salmon and tuna, or fish-oil supplements. It can also be found in significant amounts in walnuts, flax, soybeans and canola oil.
Foods with Omega-6 Oils
Omega-6 oils are found in nuts, seeds and many vegetable oils such as corn, safflower and soybean oil.
Omega-3 Oils in the Body
In the body, omega-3 oils have been credited with helping lower the risk of heart disease and prevent inflammation, which helps reduce the impact of joint disease such as arthritis. Omega-3s are also necessary for the developing fetal brain, nervous system and eyes.
Omega-6 Oils in the Body
Omega-6 oils help induce blood clotting, lower blood cholesterol, aid in developing healthy skin and assist with immune-system functioning.
Many experts agree that for maximum health benefits, the oils should be balanced in the diet in a ratio of about 2:1 omega-6s to omega-3s. Because omega-6s are common in processed food, the typical ratio for Americans is usually around 40:1.