Magnesium Deficiency Joint Pain
Magnesium is an important and valuable mineral for good health. Magnesium helps enzymes react and work efficiently in the body, keeping every muscle pumping and the blood flowing.
Magnesium deficiency affects the skeletal muscles. Muscle twitches, cramps, muscle tension, sore muscles, back pain, neck pain, headaches and even jaw pain can result.
Magnesium keeps the muscles limber, and working efficiently and smoothly. It also keeps blood pressure in check and prevents numbness, tingling, and spasms in muscle, joints, and limbs.
Diagnosing a magnesium deficiency can be tricky. Symptoms are the biggest help in detecting a deficit. In addition to muscles pain, heart palpitations, anxiety, insomnia, abnormal sensation and salt cravings are signs of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is helpful in treating joint pain. The Recommended Daily Allowance for magnesium is 350 mg. Oral supplements are available, and a diet rich in nuts, whole grains, seeds, and green vegetables will help ensure adequate intake.
Magnesium supplementation is successful in treating muscular skeletal joint pain. Intramuscular injections of magnesium often work faster due to superior absorption.