Full Plan for a 1200 Calorie Diabetic Liquid Diet
Diabetes Liquid Dieting
Remember that regardless of whether a diabetic diet is based on whole or solid foods, the goal is to control blood sugar levels from climbing too high. While this is normally accomplished through the consumption of slow-digesting carbs such as fruit, vegetables and whole grains, this approach is not viable for a liquid diet so you will have to make adjustments to avoid spiking your blood sugar inadvertently.
Liquid diets also pose a problem because liquid meals are generally digested faster than comparable solid food meals, which also means a larger increase in blood sugar as the nutrients contained therein will reach the bloodstream at a faster rate. To avoid these problems while consuming a liquid diet, you will need to take two steps.
First, prepare your liquid dieting meals with casein, which is a type of slow-digesting protein that takes hours to clear the stomach. Second, you will want to mix in some healthy fat with each liquid meal, as combining macronutrients also serves to slow the digestive process, blunting insulin release. Finally, many liquid diets allow for a solid meal in the evening. Incorporate this idea into your liquid diet to stave off the threat of malnutrition from vitamin deficiency, eating one solid food meal each evening containing fruit, vegetables, and lean protein (meat, poultry, or seafood).
1200 Calorie Plan
Consume four meals throughout the day, three liquid and one solid, while following this diet plan.
For breakfast, consume a shake mixed with one scoop of casein protein (120 calories) in a cup of 2 percent milk (130 calories) blended with a half tablespoon of natural peanut butter (55 calories).
For lunch, drink a shake mixed with one scoop of casein protein (120 calories) in a cup of 2 percent milk (130 calories) blended with a 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil (60 calories). In the afternoon, consume a shake mixed with one scoop of casein protein (120 calories) in a cup of 2 percent milk (130 calories) blended with 5 grams of fish oil (50 calories). These shakes will help keep you full throughout the day without overloading your body with calories or causing an unwanted spike in blood sugar.
For dinner, consider 3 or 4 ounces of grilled chicken (200 calories) served with a half-cup of brown rice (100 calories) and a large bowl of broccoli (or any other green veggie containing nominal calories).