Nutrition Information for Vegetable Shortening
Nutritional breakdown
One tablespoon of vegetable shortening contains 113 calories, 12.8 grams of fat, and no significant amount of protein, carbohydrates or sodium.
Nutritional pros
Vegetable shortening requires no refrigeration. It is considered acceptable for vegan diets because it contains no animal products and is made entirely of vegetable oil.
Nutritional cons
Vegetable shortening contains trans fatty acids, made during the partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils, which have been shown to increase levels of LDL (bad cholesterol), according to the Food and Drug Administration.
Vegetable shortening may be used in the place of butter or margarine in baking items such as biscuits, pies, pastries and cakes. It delivers a crumbly, flaky texture and takes on the flavor of other ingredients used in the dish.
Storage guidelines
Vegetable shortening can be stored at room temperature for up to one year.