Nutrition Facts About a Deviled Egg
Basic Nutrition Information
Prepared the traditional way, one serving contains approximately 60 calories, 4 grams of total fat, 2.5 carbohydrates, 4.4 grams of proteins and about 100 mg of sodium, depending on how much salt is added to taste.
Nutritionally, eggs are high in protein, Vitamin D, and all nine essential amino acids, while being low in carbohydrates. A deviled egg contains about 10 percent of the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of protein for a 120-pound woman. (RDA for protein is .4 grams for every pound of body weight.)
Deviled eggs are high in fat and sodium per serving. Using reduced-fat mayonnaise and low-sodium salt substitute for "salt-to-taste" will improve these numbers.
Variants on the traditional deviled egg include ingredients such as olives, cheese or spices. These additions may significantly alter fat and sodium content.
Nutritional misconceptions
Since eggs are higher in cholesterol than most foods (214 mgs per large egg), it is sometimes believed that they cannot be part of a healthy diet. As long as cholesterol remains within the recommended daily limit of less than 300 mgs for people with normal LDL levels, eggs can be incorporated into a balanced diet.