How to Fast for Liver Health

According to the Mayo Clinic, the best detoxification for the liver is a high-fiber diet; however, the master cleanse has been popular among many detoxification fasts, which helps the liver to cleanse and restore itself to maintain a healthy function. The liver breaks down fats, distributes nutrients in the food you eat, gets rid of old red blood cells, filters chemicals, removes toxins from the blood and maintains the blood sugar level.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 tbsp. Lemon or lime juice
  • 2 tbsp. maple syrup
  • 1/10 tbsp. cayenne pepper
  • 10 oz. purified water
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    • 1

      Begin the lemonade diet/master cleanse by drinking 1 cup of herbal laxative tea at bedtime, the night before beginning the liver fast.

    • 2

      Start the first day, and each morning for 10 days thereafter, with 1 qt. of water and 2 tsp. of noniodized sea salt. Stir well and drink. Expect to pass your bowels within an hour.

    • 3

      Prepare a mix of 2 tbsp. of fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice, 2 tbsp. of Grade B organic maple syrup, 1/10 tbsp. of cayenne pepper, and 10 oz. of spring or purified water. Drink the mixture six to eight times throughout the day for 10 days.

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