Reuteri Side Effects
What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are supplements taken to enhance the action of the human digestive system. They promote the growth of friendly bacteria in the gut. These friendly bacteria help to keep harmful bacteria from causing digestive problems and help to maintain overall good health. Reuteri is a product that contains the bacteria Lactobacillus reuteri (L. reuteri).
How Does Reuteri Work?
According to BioGaia, after you take Reuteri, the bacteria in it attaches itself to your intestines. Once in your intestines, the bacteria L. reuteri grow and secrete substances that attack any harmful bacteria that finds its way into your digestive tract. The L. reuteri also prevent the harmful bacteria from growing in your digestive tract by preventing the harmful bacteria from getting the nutrients it needs. This balance of the "flora" in your digestive tract helps to keep you from getting sick and can promote healthy digestive action.
Benefits of Reuteri
The makers of Reuteri claim that by taking their product you may lessen the length of diarrhea episodes, prevent fungal infections in adults, help to calm colic in infants, lessen the nausea caused by some antibiotics and boost and strengthen the immune system.
How is Reuteri Taken?
Reuteri is available in a capsulized pearl form, in liquid drops or in a chewable pill. Dosage varies according to age and weight.
Side Effects
Reuteri is considered safe for all ages and may be taken by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. The only side effect reported was mild gas. This lessened after the body adjusted to Reuteri's effect on the digestive tract.