Is Almond Butter Healthier Than Peanut Butter?
According to Nutrition Data, a typical serving size for both of these butters is two tablespoons. Calorie-wise, peanut butter has slightly fewer calories, with 188 calories compared to 202 calories in almond butter.
On the protein front, peanut butter offers a bit more. One serving gives 8 grams, versus 4 grams offered by almond butter, according to Nutrition Data.
Peanut butter has slightly less overall fat (16 grams compared to 18), but almond butter has less saturated fat (2 grams, compared to 3).
Vitamins & Minerals
Almond butter offers twice as much iron, eight times as much calcium, and almost four times as much vitamin E as peanut butter
Thanks to the high amounts of vitamin E (40 percent of the daily recommended dose) and iron, and a slightly lower amount of saturated fat, almond butter appears to offer more health benefits than peanut butter.