What Are the Benefits of a Daily Garlic Clove?
Non-Food Benefits of Garlic
Garlic has been known to be helpful against mosquito infestations. Gardeners also plant bulbs near their flowers to drive away destructive pests.
Garlic Recipes
The list of recipes that utilize the garlic clove is endless. Some popular ones include garlic cheese fondues, garlic pork roasts, garlic mashed potatoes and garlic soup.
Garlic Types
There are actually five types of garlic cloves. These are artichoke, rocambole, purple stripe, porcelain and silver skin varieties. Each of these have distinctly different flavors. For instance, the artichoke variety is far milder in flavor than the others.
Garlic and Bad Breath
Eating garlic cloves will invariably provide one with pungent breath. To lessen the odor, it is suggested to eat parsley, cardomom or fennel seeds afterwards. If "garlic breath" continues to be an issue, a suggestion is to switch to garlic capsules instead.
Garlic Cloves and Immunity
Because it is loaded with immunity-boosting properties such as calcium and potassium, a daily garlic clove has been known to help ward off the common cold or influenza virus.