Is Cholesterol in Plants?
An essential part of our body's cell makeup, cholesterol aids in fat digestion and also in the production of certain hormones. It is the high density (HDL or "good") cholesterol that is beneficial to our health.
Cholesterol is found only in animals. It is not found in plants. It is carried through our body by our blood. Because cholesterol cannot be dissolved in the blood, it must be carried through the body on a "carrier" known as a lipoprotein. A lipoprotein is cholesterol covered by protein. There are two types of liproproteins - LDL (low density lipoprotein) and HDL (high density lipoprotein).
Serum cholesterol (sometimes known as blood cholesterol) is the cholesterol manufactured by animal bodies and circulated through the bloodstream. Dietary cholesterol is, as the name implies, cholesterol that we get from our diet. Natural plant sources do not provide the body with cholesterol.
Knowing that cholesterol is found only in animals, and not in plants, is a vital clue as to how to change your diet to reduce high cholesterol.
LDL often is called "bad" cholesterol, as it can build up on our arteries in the form of plaque and cause heart disease, hardening of the arteries or even a stroke. HDL, or "good" cholesterol, helps protect our body from heart attacks and heart disease.