Is Processed Wheatgrass Healthy?

Once wheatgrass is harvested it begins to decompose and lose potency. Several methods are employed to preserve nutrients. These processes preserve wheatgrass by stabilizing its properties with additives such as preservatives or natural systems.
  1. Processing

    • Processes involving high temperatures break down enzymes. The absence of enzymes hinder the absorption of important nutrients. Seek out manufacturers that include a website stating their method for processing.


    • Grinding living blades of wheatgrass ensures freshness. Some grinders do generate heat within the extruder barrel. Close proximity between the barrel and the screw generates heat. Heat will destroy important nutrients in wheatgrass. Some grinders alleviate this problem by incorporating cooling methods into the design.


    • The process of pasteurizing involves high temperatures to intentionally destroy bacteria and viruses that may cause disease or harm in the human body. This process also destroys important enzymes in the food. Some manufacturers utilize the cold press method for extraction and do not involve high temperatures to destroy bacteria.

    Freeze Dried

    • The freeze drying process incorporates the extraction of all liquid from living matter while keeping all nutritional values intact. The Incas were the first to discover the value of harnessing the freeze drying method. Once wheatgrass is dried it is easily ground into a fine powder and inserted into gelatin capsules or bottles.

    Fillers and Binders

    • Binders are glue-like substances that hold dried wheatgrass in tablet form. Fillers add volume. They can both be made from a variety of components. Some of the compounds used may change or devalue the nutritional effects of wheatgrass.


    • Certain packing can compromise important nutritional elements. Chemicals from plastics can leech off and be absorbed into the wheat grass. Glass is one of the safest methods for maintaining the nutritional properties of wheatgrass. Oxygen rapidly degrades the properties by breaking them down and shortening the shelf life of wheatgrass. Nitrogen displacement removes oxygen from the contained environment.

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