Is Whey a High Glycemic Food?
The glycemic index is a grading system that ranks carbohydrates according to how quickly they break down during digestion and how this rate of absorption affects blood sugar levels. The higher the glycemic ranking, the more rapidly digestible the carbohydrate. Thus the more quickly the food raises blood sugar levels.
Whey is a byproduct of cheese making. The process of extracting curd and fat from cow's milk to produce cheese leaves behind a liquid substance known as whey. Further filtering and drying of this liquid to isolate its proteins produces the dietary supplement whey protein.
Whey protein not only contains all the essential amino acids, but it also contains large amounts of branched chain amino acids. Branched chain amino acids are easily absorbed directly from the bloodstream by muscle cells, making whey protein a particularly useful nutrient for building and repairing muscles.
High glycemic foods are rich in rapidly digested carbohydrates. Whey is a protein concentrate; it is not a high glycemic food.
Whey protein comes in the form of powder, which can be sprinkled on meals or in drinks. There are also whey protein bars, shakes and pills, which usually contain whey along with other ingredients.