Nutrition to Reduce Urinary Glutamate
To use nutrition to reduce urinary glutamate, you should also avoid all soy products. Among plants, soybeans have one of the highest glutamate levels. The body can easily handle glutamates when they are bonded with other amino acids, but in processed food they are made free and are not natural any more. Most soy extract products come in this category. The body is not made to absorb such high levels of free glutamates. This is also true in some "natural" health food soy products.
Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, neurosurgeon, author and full time nutrition researcher, has done extensive research on the harm of free glutamates. To block absorption of excessive glutamates, he recommends turmeric, ginkgo biloba, vitamins E and B complex and magnesium, in food as well as supplements. This will help prevent damage to the kidneys and liver, because it has to be filtered by them first.
For good nutrition to reduce urinary glutamate, you should reduce your protein intake. Most meat, poultry and dairy products, which is a primary source of protein, also has added MSG. Remember, glutamates are free proteins, which, in large quantities, strains many of your organs. Also, avoid food high in potassium such as potatoes, bananas, nuts and citrus fruits. Reduce your fluid intake as well as phosphorus. Do not eat eggs, beans and cola drinks.
High levels of glutamates can damage your kidneys by giving them too much protein to filter. You need to stop eating foods that have disguised MSG including all fast food, snack food and most food in higher end restaurants. Focus on organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains you buy in bulk. Make sure the organic label is accurate. The United States Department of Agriculture has lowered its standards and is considering letting companies spray MSG on crops, even ones labeled organic. With this nutrition to reduce urinary glutamate, you should see a difference in your health within a few weeks.