Dry Avocado Seeds for Nutrition
Avocado seeds where not always highly regarded. In a 1951 study for the University of California, Dr. R.C. Haas said that the seeds were generally thrown away and he did not identify any nutritional benefits for humans.
Current Research
In a 2004 study published in Food Chemistry, Dr. Yean-Yean Soong and Dr. Philip J. Barlow present evidence that shows that avocado seeds have antioxidant and phenolic compounds in greater amounts than the fruit itself.
Antioxidants strengthen the body's immune system by protecting it against free radicals, which are a result of increased oxidation in the body. An abundance of free radicals can lead to arthritis, hardening of the arteries and cancer.
Phenolic Compounds
According to a study by Dr. M. Palma and Dr. L. T. Taylor, published in the Journal of Chromatography, phenolic compounds, which are essential components of most plants' metabolic systems, can protect against ulcers, carcinogens and viruses.
Most high-speed blenders can process the avocado seed for use in smoothies and juices.