What Are Some Scientific Facts About Acai Berries?

The acai berry, the fruit of a palm tree found along the Amazon River, is a superfood determined by the USDA to have by far the highest antioxidant capacity of any other food, giving it amazing nutritional properties.
  1. The Acai Berry is an Antioxidant

    • The acai berry has the highest antioxidant capacity of any other food, the USDA has determined. In its undiluted, unfiltered form (a thick, purple pulp) the fruit's extract has 30 times more anthocyanins than red wine.

    Helps Reduce Obesity

    • Acai's natural source of fiber; its omega 3, 6, and 9 EFAs; and its essential vitamins and minerals help reduce obesity. The fruit may help remove fat from the body without side effects.

    Helps Prevent Heart Disease

    • Acai's source of healthy fats helps reduce cholesterol and improve blood circulation.

    Acai Helps Improve Digestion

    • Acai's natural source of dietary fiber; calcium; and vitamins B1, B2, B3, C and E help improve digestion by preventing constipation, acid reflux and bloating.

    Acai Helps Improve Mental Capacity

    • The acai berry has been found anecdotally to increase energy levels and improve mental focus and sleep. It is also believed to slow the aging process and to fight the development of cancer cells.

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