How to Find Caloric & Nutrient Content of a Recipe
Things You'll Need
- Calorie counter
- Log book
- Calculator
- Nutrition guide
Check online to see if the calorie and nutrition content of your recipe has already been calculated. As long as the recipe has similar ingredients, the information should be close enough for your purposes.
If the recipe calls for canned or other previously prepared food, use the nutrition information on the food labels to gather information about those ingredients. Remember that the information is usually listed per serving. Each package usually contains more than one serving, which may or may not correspond to how much of the food you will use in your recipe.
Use a calorie calculator to determine the caloric content of any ingredients you couldn't figure out from the labels. You can buy one of these at a bookstore or use a free calculator on the internet.
Use a nutrition guide to determine the nutrition content of any ingredients you couldn't learn from the labels.
Total up the caloric and nutrition content of all the individual recipe ingredients.
Record the totals with your recipe for easy reference next time.