21-Day Cleanse Instructions
How it works
The theory and science behind the cleanse is geared toward four goals:
Expel the accumulated toxins from all the chemicals we ingest.
Allow the body to reset itself, so to speak, by eliminating harmful and heavy foods.
Prepare the body for a healthier nutrition after the cleanse.
Help in long-term weight loss control.
To achieve these goals, eliminate caffeine, alcohol, gluten, animal products and sugar (the "big 5") for 21 days, without exception.
Instructions/suggestions for the 3 week period
Freston, in her book "Quantum Wellness," provides an easy-to-follow plan if you want to achieve optimal health. If you are not familiar with a nutritional regimen compatible with the cleanse, you will find many recipes in her book.
The cleanse will have an impact on your mind and mental energy and you will become more aware of your body and what is good or harmful for it.
Doing the cleanse means giving up the comfort of certain habits and foods. The following are important instructions to help you along the way and to maximize the benefit of the cleans.
Leaning into change: Take small manageable steps toward a positive life change.
Use the eight pillars of wellness to have a flexible and sustainable well-being. The pillars are: meditation, visualization, do fun activities, conscious eating, exercise, self-examination, spiritual practice and service.Develop a curiosity and a willingness to investigate pain and discomfort. Instead of running away, denial and procrastination, find a way to be willing and curious to look into what creates pain and discomfort. This willingness to be aware will dramatically increase your chance of recovery and healing.
Clear mental clutter using exercises, like "stream of consciousness" meditation and journal writing. This will help see thought patterns that need to be healed or upgraded, and also those that are working for you.
It is important to eat consciously and choose your food with integrity while keeping in mind all aspects of how the food arrives on our table. Giving up meat in favor of a healthy plant-based diet has several benefits from ethical, dietary and environmental perspectives, and conscious eating will be essential to your health.
Your new awareness of the mind-body relationship will allow you to become your own healer in times of physical, emotional or spiritual crisis. You will be able to break bad habits and cope with addiction.