Carnosine Diet
There is still much to learn about carnosine and its properties but according to Anti-Aging Today, preliminary research in Russia has suggested that its many benefits include boosting your immunity and reducing inflammation, producing anti-cancer effects, promoting the healing of wounds, protecting against radiation damage, protecting against the development of gastric ulcers, eradicating Helicobacter pylori (linked to stomach cancer and peptic ulcers), preventing cataract formation, increasing muscle strength and your body's endurance, delaying aging and improving your overall appearance.
Carnosine dietary sources include poultry, meat and fish. Since more and more people are decreasing their meat consumption, they get less and less carnosine in their daily nutrition. Even for meat eaters, carnosine levels will eventually reduce with age. The reduction of carnosine concentration in your muscles cause a decline in our muscle mass and strength.
Carnosine is found in protein-rich foods. Common examples of foods high in carnosine include milks, cheese and eggs. But the best dietary sources of carnosine include beef, pork and poultry products. Those who would like to increase their carnosine consumption should eat more food items coming from this category.
For those who do not get enough carnosine in their regular diets (like vegetarians), you may have to take dietary supplements in order to meet the required levels of carnosine on a daily basis. Although there are many protein food items that contain carnosine, a rigid vegetarian diet will typically have no room for such ingredients. Vegetarians may then find supplementary sources of carnosine. Those following strict vegetarian diets and those over 40 years of age should consider taking the supplements.
Carnosine supplements are popular, especially among athletes and body-builders. They take the supplements mainly as an enhancer or for reducing their muscular fatigue. Supplements that have both carnosine and L-carnosine typically are reasonably priced. The usual recommended dosage is 100 to 300mg every day. Although higher levels of carnosine are considered to be nontoxic, it is still not recommended. Twitching of the muscles is one side effect of taking dosages over 600mg.