Diet for HGH
HGH Diet Theory
Consume a diet that is high in both protein and carbohydrates to boost your natural production of human growth hormone. According to a study conducted at the University of Virginia, a higher carb diet was more effective at increasing natural growth hormone production than a diet high in fats. Likewise, an article from the online training source Peak Performance reported that adequate protein consumption also plays a role in HGH production. According to information from the American Dietetic Association, protein needs vary depending on your activity level, with exercising individuals requiring anywhere from 0.5 to 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. Therefore, a 200-lb. individual will need anywhere from 100 to 160 grams of protein each day to optimize recovery capacity and HGH output.
HGH Diet Specifics
Consume a diet consisting of roughly 50 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein and 20 percent fat to optimize your natural production of HGH. Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy carbs, avoiding sugars, alcohol and refined flour while aiming to consume plenty of fruits, vegetables and 100 percent whole grains. Protein sources should be lean and natural; aim for lean red meat, chicken, turkey, seafood and low-fat dairy to make up most of your protein needs. Fat should come primarily from unsaturated sources (olive oil, fish oils, nuts and seeds), while limiting your consumption of saturated and trans fats. Aim to eat nothing but balanced meals, with half of your plate taken up by healthy carb sources, and the remainder split nearly evenly between a lean protein source and a type of unsaturated fat. This will enable you to maximize your HGH output with minimal fuss and record keeping, as eating nothing but balanced meals will ensure that you do not have to play catchup on certain nutrients throughout the day.