Balanced Diet for Older Age People

Proper nutrition and diet plays an important role throughout major portions of our lives. We must use healthy eating habits and practices to help main our bodies well-being. As you grow older, you body begins to go through certain changes which can cause you to change your diet. These changes in your diet can be focused on providing your body with the substances it needs to function properly.
  1. Liquid Consumption

    • As your body begins to age your body may begin to experience the loss of important liquids. The human body is made up of nearly 75 percent so it's important to stay properly hydrated by drinking water. Elderly individuals should be sure to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. This can also be broken down into one cup of water for every 20 pounds of body weight. Consuming water helps your body lubricate joints, maintain a proper temperature and helps with your breathing. Not drinking enough water can cause severe problems such as heat stroke which can lead to death.

      Milk is another important liquid for the elderly to consume. Milk is a vital source of calcium which is important for maintaining the strength of bones. As you begin to get older your bones grow weaker, making your more susceptible to injuries. Daily activities such as walking can become more difficult if your bones cannot take the wear and tear. Drinking two to three glasses a day can help elderly individuals receive the calcium they need.


    • As you grow older, you body will begin to lose many of the vital minerals and nutrients it needs in order to function throughout the day. Elderly people may begin to experience symptoms of bone loss or other ailments that can be traced back to losing mineral values. Taking a multivitamin tablet each day with food can help combat these deficiencies that develop over time. Multivitamins manufactured by providers such as Equate or Centrum has the recommend requirements of such substances such as vitamin C and calcium. Your body needs these components for a variety of reasons such as the digestive process and maintaining healthy vision.

    Meal Planning

    • Meals for the elderly should be properly prepared to ensure they are practicing good nutritional habits. As with anyone else, meals should be contain very few levels of fat. Negative health problems such as heart disease or diabetes can be augmented if you continue eating foods high in fat.

      These meals should also provide elderly individuals with amounts of protein. Protein plays an important part in the body's ability to rebuild itself and repair any damage to the cells. Foods such as chicken, fish and pasta are sources of this important nutrient.

      Meals should be prepared with low levels of sugars and other harmful substances. You must also avoid cooking foods in unhealthy cooking oils or frying many meats.

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