How to Add Corn Meal to Diet And Weight Loss Aids

While most of the diet and weight loss aids on the market today are effective, many lack substance and leave participants unsatisfied with their meal options. Including a bit of cornmeal to diet and weight loss aids can help to add in some additional flavor and nutrients to many commercial products. However, some consideration need be taken to avoid inadvertently compromising the veracity of your diet in the pursuit for a more palatable meal option.

Things You'll Need

  • Food scale
  • Notebook or computer
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      Utilize a high quality food scale to weigh out a portion of cornmeal for addition to your chosen product. Weighing out your cornmeal beforehand allows you to more accurately track the nutritional alteration made by your meal manipulation and retain more control over your dieting efforts. As unrecorded calories can lead to unwanted weight gain (or inadvertent failure) while dieting, you will want to be precise and denote every gram of cornmeal that you add to any product.

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      Note the amount of cornmeal that you are adding to the product, writing down the adjustment in a food log either in an old notebook or in a computer file. In addition to writing down the additional calories from cornmeal, write down all foods that you are consuming throughout the day. This will allow you to better measure your overall caloric intake while dieting, and make fine adjustments that will lead to more substantial and long-lasting weight loss.

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      Remember to denote the additional salient characteristics of the cornmeal beyond simply recording the caloric value. For example, if you are on a carb restricted diet, you will want to note down how many carbs you consumed through the addition of cornmeal to avoid straying over your carb ceiling for the day. Just one ounce of cornmeal contains 20 grams of carbs, so you will have to be sparing with your flavoring to hold to a low-carb diet while using this approach. The same holds true for other restricted types of diets (low fat, low sodium, etc).

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