Alkaline Diet for Candidiasis
Alkaline Diet
Consume a diet consisting mainly of alkaline foods while minimizing your consumption of acidic foods to treat candidiasis. Generally speaking, alkaline foods include most fruits and vegetables, while acidic foods include meats and grains. Thus, the crux of an alkaline diet is to eat more healthy fruits and veggies while limiting your consumption of meats and grains to reasonable amounts. You will want around 50 percent of your diet to consist of alkaline carbohydrates with the remainder being split evenly between fat and protein sources. You will want to wholly avoid some foods, as yeast thrives on these items. They include all fruits (because of their sugar content) except for berries, citrus fruits, avocados, and green apples; breaded meat; butter and egg substitutes; legumes; potatoes; caffeine; grains of any kind; yeasts (bread, alcohol, mushrooms, pastries); condiments and pickles. Focus on consumption of lean meats, vegetables and seafood.
Meal Ideas
Eggs are allowed for breakfast, as are all breakfast meats such as bacon, ham, and sausage--just be sure to round out the meal with a vegetable to increase its overall alkalinity. A healthy lunch on this meal might consist of homemade chicken salad served with a bowl of broccoli with olive oil or butter. A healthy dinner on the plan might consist of grilled of broiled chicken served with a large spinach and tomato salad. As a snack throughout the day, consider eating nuts such as almonds, walnuts, or pecans (but not peanuts), dried meat like beef jerky, or hard cheeses. While this diet may seem restrictive, it will be worth it if it can help to rid your body of candidiasis. Additionally, relegating yourself to these healthy menu items for a few weeks will certainly help you to drop a few pounds as well.