What Is Phytonutrient Medicine?
The medicinal use of phytonutrient supplements can offer a safe, effective alternative for the management of certain medical conditions, such as chronic pain. More clinical studies are being conducted in order to determine exact efficacy of these supplements.
According to the USDA, examples of clinically proven phytonutrients that are now being prescribed by doctors include lutein, which improves vision, and flavonoids, which support better heart health.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), a division of the National Institute of Health, has designated phytonutrient medicine as an important area for further study and research.
Legislation has been implemented to regulate the supplement industry more carefully, but the debate continues about its benefit to the public. As of January 1, 2008, supplement manufacturers must report adverse events to the FDA.
Meanwhile, natural product companies continue to manufacture phytonutrient medicines. The market has exploded because of new research and media coverage, which has drawn attention to the benefits of alternative therapies.