Pizzelle Nutrition Information

Pizzelles are Italian waffle cookies that are made from flour, sugar, eggs and butter. While these Italian waffle cookies may be tasty, they certainly don't provide many nutrients. These nutritional facts are specifically for Petrone's Pizellles. Nutritional facts for other brands of pizzelles may vary.
  1. Calories

    • One vanilla pizzelle contains 77.4 calories, and one almond pizzelle contains 79.2 calories, according to Petrone's Pizzelles. Anise pizzelles contain 76.5 calories.


    • Pizzelles contain 1.0 grams of protein, according to Petrone's Pizzelles.


    • Anise and vanilla pizzelles contain 3 grams of fat, and almond pizzelles contain 3.3 grams of fat. The American Heart Association explains that individuals should limit their total fat intake to between 25 and 30 percent of total daily calories.


    • Vanilla, anise and almond pizzelles all contain 2.0 mg of cholesterol. The American Heart Association explains that daily cholesterol intake should be limited to 300 mg of cholesterol.


    • Anise, vanilla and almond pizzelles contain 0.2 grams of dietary fiber and 4.6 grams of sugar. Vanilla and almond pizzelles contain 11.4 grams of carbohydrates, and chocolate pizzelles contain 11.3 grams of carbohydrates.

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