What Is Better: Acai Berry or Goji Berry?
Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) is a measurement of a food's antioxidant effectiveness. Both goji and acai are leaps-and bounds beyond any other known food in this regard, with acai taking the medal at an ORAC of over 102,000 versus goji's 30,000 (Reference 3).
Fat Content
Interestingly, 100 grams of acai berry provides approximately 100% of the dietary reference intake (DRI) of fat, consisting primarily of heart-healthy omegas.
The acai berry has a high fiber content, also approximately 100% DRI per 100 grams, giving it the edge for weight loss and energy maintenance.
The acai is said to provide heightened energy by increasing metabolic rates, and its high fiber content aids in weight loss. The goji is seen as an immune-system booster, and at least one experiment indicated a capacity to kill cancer cells (Reference 1).
Difficulties of Transportation
While it appears to be superior, the acai can lose nutritional value during transportation. Because of its high fat content, the acai cannot be dried as the goji can. Acai seems to be most effective in a juice form and is usually freeze-dried to best retain nutrients in transportation.