How to Store Raw Vegetables
Seek out areas in your dwelling where you can store vegetables. This can include the refrigerator, a storage room, or cellar.
Prepare vegetables for storage. Do not wash vegetables that you plan to store. According to the Farm Direct Coop Web site, washing vegetables reduces the storage life. Put unwashed vegetables in perforated or plastic bags. Take as much air as you can from the bag before putting the vegetables in the refrigerator. Vegetables that you buy pre-cut or peeled can be refrigerated.
Place garlic, onion, potatoes, and uncut squash in a place that is well-ventilated and is between 45 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure these vegetables are stored in a dark area. Keep tomatoes at room temperature. Put tomatoes in a place that does not receive sunlight. Sunlight has an adverse effect on tomatoes, making them soft.