How to Eat to Balance Your Hormones
Eating to Balance your Hormones
Drink plenty of water daily. Consume 8 to 10 glasses of water to cleanse toxins from your body.
Your histamine level is a critical part of your body's defense system, and at times the body expels too much histamine. Drinking water throughout the day lowers your histamine level, reducing the risk of allergic reactions.
Water keeps your skin soft, clear and is good for maintaining your health in general. Avoid becoming dehydrated, which causes your mineral level and ultimately your hormones to become imbalanced. -
Consume soy protein---plant estrogens that mimic natural estrogens. Soy protein, such as soymilk, soybeans, and soy yogurt can help to prevent bone loss, reduce hot flashes, tenderness of the breasts and night sweats in menopausal women.
Reduce your caffeine and soft drink intake. Drinking as few as 300 mg of caffeine can cause your body to lose a substantial amount of calcium. Cortisol plays a critical role in helping the body respond to stress. Caffeine raises your stress hormone cortisol, which can result in poor sleep pattern and a distorted immune system. Further, beverages such as soft drinks drain calcium from your body.
Eat a balanced meal of protein, carbohydrates and fat. All three meals you consume for the day should include 55 percent carbohydrates, 25 percent protein and 20 percent fat. To ensure your body has enough nutrients for the day, your breakfast or lunch should contain the most amount of lean protein (e.g. chicken or fish). Gradually reduce the amount of protein you consume throughout the day by substituting it with carbohydrates (e.g. fruits, vegetables, fruits and whole grains). Avoid eating dinner too close to bedtime to help keep hormones balanced.
Raise your progesterone level and reduce surplus estrogen with TransMist Natural Progesterone Spray. Use the spray on the softer areas of the skin, such as the face, neck, breasts, abdomen and inner thighs. Take herbs such as licorice, which has natural estrogen ingredients. Panax ginseng is useful for menstrual cycle disorders. Magnesium can help to relieve your mood swings and boost your energy. Take vitamin B complex to enhance your immune system, fight fatigue and protect against nervous disorders.