How to Prevent Disease Causing Agents in Water
Install a water treatment device in your home. According to NSF International, a nonprofit public health and safety organization, a water treatment device can significantly reduce the amount of contaminants in your drinking water. You must maintain your home water treatment device regularly in order to keep it functioning properly.
Purify your water. In an emergency situation, you may need to purify your water quickly. According to the Washington State Department of Health, there are two ways to do this: boil water or bleach water. To boil water, simply bring it to a rolling boil for one minute and then let it cool. To bleach water, add 5-6 percent liquid chlorine bleach solution, such as Clorox or Purex, to the water and let it sit for 30 minutes.
Take steps to purify the water in your community. In some rural areas around the world, communities share water sources that may contain disease causing agents. Managing these water supplies is a comprehensive task. The World Health Organization has published a guide on how governments and health officials can improve the condition of local water supplies. The guide, as well as more information about the International Small Community Water Supply Network, can be found at the link below.