How to Protect the Lungs

The bad news is that lung disease and other sicknesses related to the lungs are taking the world by storm. The good news is that much of what causes lung disease is preventable and in your control. With the growth of the H1N1 virus, tobacco use and air pollution, your lungs are at increased danger of sickness. Take control of your lungs and go the extra mile to prevent lung disease and faulty lungs. Several precautions must be taken on a daily basis to keep your lungs healthy and circulating properly.


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      Get lots of antioxidants. According to Wellness Resources and recent scientific studies, antioxidants can work wonders to prevent contraction of the flu and, more specifically, the Swine Flu (H1N1). Some antioxidants are berries, broccoli, grapes, tomatoes, tea, garlic, spinach.

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      Fill your lungs with clean air, not smoke. Cigarettes cause heart attacks, lung disease and other health complications. According to American Heart Association, about 26.2 million men and 20.9 million women smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes fill your lungs with toxins, tar and quickly inhibit your ability to exercise for long periods of time.

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      Participate in clean air initiatives. Air pollution plays a role in the large number of lung disease victims in the U.S. Organizations like the American Lung Association are spearheading initiatives to clean up the atmosphere and reduce our carbon footprint, moving society toward a green existence.

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      Exercise regularly. Cardiovascular workouts strengthen your lung capacity and, ultimately, the life of your lungs. Running, jogging, walking on the treadmill and other sports (especially tennis) are great for your lungs. The more you exercise, the better you will breathe. The benefits of exercising are overwhelming, and strengthening the lungs is one of these benefits.

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