Detox Diet for Cancer
Cancer has been thought to be caused by numerous factors, including exposure to certain chemicals and abnormal processes in the body. While the actual causes of cancer are not completely understood, what is known is that it is good for the body to get rid of waste and not keep harmful toxins any longer than it should. Waste flows through the body much easier when the body digests foods that are natural and free of toxins. This is why detox diets are commonly used to help the body regain natural organ functioning and flush out harmful toxins that could potentially damage organs and bodily systems.
Whether you have cancer or are trying to prevent cancer, it is always a good idea to adopt healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle. Most detox diet programs involve going on an all-natural, healthy food or juice diet for a period of one day to several days. A detox diet gives the bodily organs a break from trying to break down hard-to-digest food. Foods that can be eaten on a detox diet are fresh fruit, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains. It is also essential to drink plenty of fluids, such as water and all-natural fruit or vegetable juices, every day. Detox diets contain lots of fiber. Fiber, found in whole grains and some fruits and vegetables, helps eliminate bodily wastes, which in turn allows the body to digest food more efficiently. Digesting food efficiently has the added benefit of providing more energy, better mood and an overall sense of well-being. However, even though detox diets help many people feel better, they are not for everyone. If you plan to go on a detox diet, you should consult with your doctor to determine whether it is the right choice for you.