How to Gain Weight Eating Carbohydrates
Decide what kind of weight you want to gain. Do you just need to put on extra pounds for health reasons, or are you trying to build more muscle? Building muscle is the most common reason people want to gain weight. If you plan just want to add pounds, you still should exercise, but not necessarily as much as those who are trying to build muscle.
Pay attention to the types of carbohydrates that you are consuming. Even if you are trying to gain weight, you want to do it in a healthy manner. Most of the carbs you should consume are called complex carbs. They are found in whole grains. Foods with whole grains include oatmeal, rice and sweet potatoes.
Consume carbohydrates during the day. In the evening, your body does not process them with the same intensity it does while you are active during the day. Consuming carbohydrates at night can add fat instead of muscle. Consume a lot of carbs for breakfast and lunch, but cut back on them for dinner.
Work out. Carbohydrates by themselves will not help you to add muscle. If your goal is to gain fat without muscles, then you do not have to work out. When you do work out, the muscles that you are building interact with carbohydrates to build more muscles. Carbohydrates also give you the energy you need to make it through your workout.
Consume simple carbohydrates immediately after your workout. After you work your muscles, they become tired and "hungry." Simple carbohydrates release a sufficient amount of insulin to these muscles, which helps them to not break down. Fruit juices, white break or pasta, cereal and sports drinks are examples of simple carbs.