Types of Diets for an Omnivore
Since omnivores eat a diet the consists primarily of both plants and animals, they have been able to survive in various climates because they are not limited to one specific food source. Omnivore teeth are specifically designed for eating both animal meat and plants. Many omnivorous animals, including humans, have teeth that are designed specifically to rip into and tear apart meat. The front teeth are also good for biting into fruits and vegetables such as apples and radishes. The back teeth are designed to help grind down fruits and vegetables as well as chew meat.
Omnivore Diet
The omnivorous diet consists of a combination of a herbivore and carnivore diet and the exact food that is consumed is slightly different for every species. Basically the omnivorous diet is made up of food that is readily available to be eaten. For humans, the omnivorous diet consists primarily of meat such as steak, fish, chicken, and turkey. Humans eat plant products like apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, tomatoes, pears, peaches, pineapple, oranges, grapes, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, carrots, celery, peas, nuts, seeds and brussel sprouts. Omnivores like bears eat meat such as fish, insects, sea birds, seals, dead animals or small rodents. Plant products that bears commonly eat are berries, fruits, nuts, roots, fungi and grasses. Omnivorous birds eats lots of nuts, acorns, seeds, fruits, mice, insects and frogs. Sometimes a blue jay will raid a nest for eggs and young birds. The omnivorous skunk eats pretty much whatever it can find such as insects, fish, fruits, small mammals, crustaceans, nuts, grasses, leaves and dead animals. Raccoons are also omnivores that eat whatever they can find and can usually be found rifling through the trash cans of suburban neighborhoods. Although raccoons are great at finding leftovers in trash cans they also commonly eat nuts, berries, insects, fruit, rodents, crayfish, eggs and frogs. Chimpanzees eat a diet of fruit, seeds, insects, blossoms, other monkeys, bush pigs, bird eggs, smaller mammals and occasionally chimpanzees will also eat each other.